

Computer Information Systems





Guiding Questions



1.List the student learning outcomes (goals) for your unit. Include the specific website address where the learning outcomes can be accessed. An example of a student learning outcome is: �A student who graduates from the School of Computer Information Systems should be able to possess the following:




1.Practical knowledge of various productivity software packages


2.Practical knowledge of various programming languages


3.Knowledge of information systems development methods and techniques


4.Knowledge of data communications and local area networks


5.Teamwork problem-solving skills



Please see the following supporting documentation specific to our unit:

Learning Objectives:�������������������������� See Appendix A

Course Objectives & Content:�����������



2. Demonstrate how your unit�s specific student learning outcomes (goals) are linked to the mission of UAM. Please use your enumerated list from Question 1 to complete the section to the right.





Unit Learning Outcomes


























The mission the University of Arkansas at Monticello shares with all universities is the commitment to search for truth, understanding through scholastic endeavor.

The University seeks to enhance and share knowledge, to preserve and promote the intellectual content of society, and to educate people for critical thought.

The University provides learning experiences that enable students to synthesize knowledge, communicate effectively, use knowledge and technology with intelligence and responsibility, and act creatively within their own and other cultures.

����������� The University strives for excellence in all its endeavors. Educational opportunities encompass the liberal arts, basic and applied sciences, selected professions, and vocational/ technical preparation. These opportunities are founded in a strong program of general education and are fulfilled through contemporary disciplinary curricula, certification programs, and vocational/technical education or workforce training. The University assures opportunities in higher education for both traditional and non-traditional students and strives to provide an environment that fosters individual achievement and personal development.





Objective 5




Objective 1 � 5





Objective 1 - 5



3. Provide specific evidence of the ways that your unit communicates student learning outcomes to prospective and current students (Examples: website, catalog, syllabi, brochures).


See supporting documentation in Appendix C:

  • School website � Statement of Philosophy and Principles
  • 2005 � 2007 UAM Catalog � page 117
  • Display board for recruitment of prospective and current students � available for viewing at parents Day and Senior Visitation Day


See supporting documentation in Appendix D:


See supporting documentation in Appendix E:


See supporting documentation in Appendix F:


4. Provide specific evidence of how your unit assesses whether students have achieved your unit�s student learning outcomes. (Examples: pre/post tests, post tests, capstone courses, surveys, graduation rates, etc.)Address historical patterns or trends.


See supporting documentation in Appendix G:


Plan of action:

  • The subjective ranking will be changed to reflect the ranking in the Student Exit Survey, on a scale of one (1) to five (5), with one being high and five being low on future surveys


See supporting documentation in Appendix A:

  • The five Learning Objective Summaries for CIS


See supporting documentation in Appendix H:

5. Provide evidence of the measures of student performance that your unit collects and analyzes regularly (Examples: retention rates/pass rate for classes, teacher made tests, research papers, recitals, field experiences, etc.).Give specific examples of how analyses of student performance have been used to improve unit decisions.



The School of CIS analyzes student performances in courses, which leads to further:

  • Modification of present course offerings
  • Informal discussions between faculty regarding course modifications and on-going improvement of various concepts presently taught
  • Analysis of student performance led to tightening of course prerequisites
    • Strict enforcement of existing prerequisites
    • Prerequisites added to current courses


See supporting documentation in Appendix I:

  • Recommendation for new course offerings, includes C&S proposals and syllabus


See supporting documentation in Appendix J:

  • Discussions and proposals in formal faculty meetings




6. Provide specific evidence of how your unit utilizes information, other than student performance, to determine necessary unit decisions. Describe how your unit analyzes and selects a course of action. Attach documentation that supports your determination. (Examples:senior surveys, alumni surveys, professional meetings, minutes from faculty or committee meetings, etc.)


See supporting documentation in Appendix H:

  • Student Exit Surveys


See supporting documentation in Appendix K:


See supporting documentation in Appendix J:

  • Faculty meetings to discuss course modifications


7. Based on your answers to Questions 5 and 6 regarding student learning outcomes, prioritize your unit�s future course of action. Include plans for what will be done, by whom, to what extent, and how often.


The School of CIS plans the following future courses of action regarding analyses of information obtained from Questions 5 and 6:


  • A comprehensive employer list to be used in future Employer Surveys.This will be done by the faculty in the unit, and the survey will be done every three years.
  • Revision of the Employer survey to take out specific references to UAM students.This will be done by the CIS faculty.
  • Based on analysis obtained from student and alumni surveys, the unit will offer a seminar course in Advanced Web Design.This will be done by Dr. Jim Roiger.How often the course will be taught is to be determined.



8.Specifically describe how your unit is making student learning accessible, including, if applicable, alternative modes of instruction (CIV, WebCT, weekend, Early College High School, etc.).Address historical patterns and trends.


The School of CIS has incorporated the following to enhance learning accessibility by our students:



See supporting documentation in Appendix L for course offerings:

  • Class offerings at College of Technology campuses
  • Non-traditional class times:
    • Night Classes
    • Morning classes before 8:00 am
    • Monday-Wednesday 2:00 � 3:30



Plan of action:

  • Keep better statistics on these courses offerings and develop a trend analysis for the above courses



9.Specifically describe how your unit involves students directly in the assessment process.


����������� The School of CIS uses end-of-term student evaluations, senior exit surveys, and alumni surveys to directly involve our students in the assessment process.


See supporting documentation in Appendix H:

  • Student Exit Surveys


See supporting documentation in Appendix K:

  • Alumni Surveys


